How do you to fill the gaps between your customers’ purchases?

Is all you really know about your customers what they buy from you?
Is all they really know about you what they buy from you?

How can you provide useful, relevant information during those long intervals of silence between purchases—information that helps you create deeper engagement with your customers and gives you the competitive differentiation you need in the marketplace?

The only way to do it is to develop a better understanding of your customers’ true needs—and the only accurate way to understand their needs is to ask them.

Try this: Build into every contact, across all media, a few questions. The questions should be asked of all people, whether they are an inquiry, a sale or a service contact:
  • What additional information can we provide to better serve you?
  • Please tell us what interests or needs you have and we'll try to provide useful and relevant information. (If it's not relevant to your needs, we won't send it to you.)
Capture this information in a contact management system and use it to drive increasingly relevant and targeted communications that are value based, not sales focused.  
Let me know how this works for you.
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