Customer Experience (CX), Customer Relationship Marketing, Voice of Customer Research, Customer Engagement

Gaining an in-depth understanding of customer requirements

Company Background

  1. Life Line Screening is the leading provider of community-based preventive health services.


  1. Provides affordable, high-quality screenings that are essential to the early detection of risk for stroke, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and other conditions.


  1. The direct-to-consumer model is at the forefront of consumer-driven healthcare.

Industry Background

  1. Significant number of customer touch points.


  • Nearly 1 million people screened/yr
  • 2 million phone calls
  • Screen in 17,000 community locations
  • 100 million direct mail letters
  • 1 million Results letters
  • 1 million email subscribers
  1. Strategic priority is double the number of returning customers from 2009 to 2012.

Worked with


Eric Greenberg
EVP Marketing Life Line Screening, (LLSA)

Life Line Screening is the country's leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings.

Eric has helped build LLSA into one of the country's premier direct-to-consumer healthcare companies. Before joining LLSA in 2003, Eric was President of DMM Partners, a direct marketing consulting practice. He was also Co-President of InteliHealth, a joint venture of Aetna US Healthcare and Johns Hopkins University.



strategic priority is customer retention


helped create unity of purpose and vision for the entire management team


Identified opportunities for improvement across all functional areas


year-over-year increase in returning customers


How can we accomplish this?

What we did to improve NPS

  1. Management focus & attention: Customer First Initiative, Scorecard, Incentives, Training Blasts


  1. 14 Point Customer Guarantee.
  1. "Adoption" of 5 low performing teams.


  1. Streamlined customer feedback and response.


  1. Employee empowerment.

focus Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

So, why do a VoC Program?

  1. A happy customer is not always a returning customer.


  1. Interactive / in-depth.
  1. Qualitative vs. Quantitative insights.


  1. Answers the question, "why?"

Set a Budget and Timeline

  • Internal or external execution.
  • Length of interviews.
  • Sample size quantity.
  • In person vs. telephonic interviews.
  • Geographical considerations.
  • Difficulty and cost of recruiting.

The VoC Process

  • Determine Objectives.
  • Set budget and timeline.
  • Determine your audience.
  • Develop key questions.
  • Conduct interviews.
  • Analyze findings.

    VoC Objectives

    • Gain a VoC-driven understanding of how LLSA can increase customer retention.

    • How customers view LLSA strengths and weaknesses.
    • Why customers return or don't return.
    • Opportunities for developing value-added services.
    • Reactions to marketing communications and Test Results Letter.

      Make sure learnings are actionable.


      Selecting Your Audience

      • Who are you trying to target?
      • RFM considerations.
      • How many interviews?
      • Duration of interviews?
      • Specific product line?
      • Incentives.

      Life Line Screening VoC Audience


      Develop Key Question

      1. Limited # questions (35-40) in 1 hour.


      1. Determine who the interviewer will be.


      1. Develop Interview Guide.


      1. Does / should the customer be prepped in advance ( Interview Guide, Marketing materials)

      Key VoC Questions

      • How did you hear about us?
      • Why did you come?
      • Influencers?
      • Strengths / weaknesses?
      • Credible / trusted?
      • Expectations?
      • Likely to come back?
      • Pre / Screening / Post experience
      • Communications & contact strategy
      • What do you tell friends?

      Conduct Interviews

      • 48 one hour interviews.
      • All by phone with professional interviewer.
      • Interviews recorded; "best of" listened to by management team.

      Key Findings

      • VoC confirms NPS Scores.
      • VoC provided these additional in-depth insights:
      1. LLSA has created a valuable service and is perceived by many as their advocate and trusted resource for their health.


      1. LLSA patient test results summary is "valuable ammunition for the patient" and helps the doctor take them more seriously. It's also a patient report card for the doctor.


      1. Doctor plays powerful role in acquisition & retention.
      1. Perceived as efficient, professional, convenient and excellent value for money.


      1. We allow them to be proactive and empower them to take control of their health.


      What LLSA is doing is well received, but customers want more: 

      • Customers not sure what to expect from LLSA (i.e. transaction vs. relationship).

      • Greater & more personalized touches at each touch point.

      • Ongoing information & value-added solutions.

          VoC Follow Up Actions


          Create a higher value customer experience at key points:

          • Pre-screening.
          • During the screening.
          • Post screening.
            1. Provide more personalized information post-screening that is tailored to the person's individual screening outcomes.


            1. Build an online community that provides an opportunity for sharing.


            1. Build a bridge to the Primary Care Doc.