Shinola Goal
Evolve the Foundry “loyalty” program in order toestablish a deeper relationship with guests by:
Recognizing them regardless of channel
Including them in experiences that are aligned to Shinola’s brand
Continuously providing guests with surprise and delightmoments to show them appreciation
Shinola VOC Research Objectives
Conduct one-hour interviews to gain an in-depth qualitativeunderstanding of how Shinola guests define their expectationsof value and engagement from the Foundry loyalty program.
Specific VoC Objectives were to gain deep and actionable qualitative insights regarding:
Perceptions of Shinola and reasons guests buy from Shinola
Experiences that enhance or hurt the relationship
Shinola Foundry program perceptions/expectations
Detailed recommended improvements to Foundry: benefits, experiences, services, levels and “hurdles”
Value exchange expectations regarding guest's willingness to self-profile preferences in exchange for increased personalization and value.